Iterative Process

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Some of the characteristics of iterative processes in design work.


One of the characteristics of design and implementation work is that it is an iterative process. Iteration means you do the same steps over and over again, each time making incremental changes to the final product.

The nature of iterative processes yields some helpful insight into what you should be doing and thinking about while you design and implement computer code.

Little Cycles

In the iterative approach, you will find little cycles that are part of each step. This is usually something like:

  1. Evaluate the current state of things and where you'd like it to go.
  2. Try making a small change in the right direction.
  3. Try it out and see if it helps or hurts.

These little cycles are extremely valuable. The smaller you keep the cycles, the quicker you can see results, positive or negative. With this feedback, you can quickly tell if you're heading in the right direction.

Big Cycles

Sometimes in design work, you need to go back to an earlier step and start some of the process over again. This isn't necessarily because you've made a mistake, it's just the nature of the problem. No one can tell what the end result will be without trying it out. Once you've tried it out, you get a whole better picture of whether or not it is good, something you couldn't have seen in your own mind.

This may mean that you need to go back to an earlier step. That's okay. Generally, it's better to make bigger decisions earlier on rather than later. If you need to revisit a big decision, that means you need to go back to that earlier step.

Skipping Steps

Sometimes you may be able to skip a step or two in the iterative process. This usually happens only when you have a really good idea of what you want or you are really experienced with what you will see next. The more people that are involved, however, and the less likely skipping a step will be in your best interests.