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This is the environment of the caller. For instance, the following expression would show the foo of the caller:

(el *calling-env* &foo)

See also: Pyli/Scoping, Environment, *env*, *global-env*


The current condition, if a condition is being handled.

See: Conditions


Setting *debug* makes the interpreter run in debug mode.

  1. Tail recursion no longer occurs, making stack traces more comprehensible.
  2. Debugging hooks are called.


The current environment.

See also: Pyli/Scoping, Environment, *calling-env*, *global-env*


The top-level environment.

See also: Pyli/Scoping, Environment, *calling-env*, *env*


The signal handler. You'll need to override this with your own unless you like the default behavior.

See Conditions


This is the actual stack. Although you cannot push new items on the stack or modify existing items, you can remove items. You may also replace the stack.

(TODO: May allow stack frames to be moved between stacks, and perhaps the creation of stack frames.)

See: Pyli/Stack, Pyli/Types/Stack, Pyli/Types/Stack-Frame